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Over a 100 years old organization

Presidents who served the ADS

This picture is from the 2022 ADS Dallas Convention

1907 Druze members who founded

the BAKOURAT that became the ADS

Who We Are

Become a member

The Druze, who call themselves al-Muwaḥḥidūn, are an Arab and Arabic-speaking esoteric ethnoreligious group from Western Asia who adhere to the Druze faith, an Abrahamic, monotheistic, syncretic, and ethnic religion whose main tenets are the unity of God and the belief in reincarnation and the eternity of the soul.

Australia: 4,268  Canada: 25,000   Jordan: 20,000

Lebanon: 250,000 Syria: 600,000     

United States: 50,000  Venezuela: 60,000

We encourage you to join your American Druze Society (ADS) organization. Your paid membership has many benefits like voting rights, discounted events, on going communication emails, and a space on the Digital Community where you can share ideas and learn from other chapters...etc.

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Our Vision

 Druze identity is defined by family values and traditions that engulf and reflect the teachings of the Tawheed faith. As a Druze organization in the United states, the ADS is bringing its Druze members together to share and preserve their faith, values, heritage, and culture. The principles of the Tawheed Druze faith are based on the Oneness of God and from this base come the seven tenets that every Druze is obligated to honor. Core principles of our faith, especially truthfulness, safeguarding of our brethren, and the belief in One God make us all brothers and sisters in faith. That creates a strong, and solid sense of unity and belonging for our members.

It is the Druze common goal to be united wherever we are regardless of borders, or national origin.


We take action locally and globally

With our 25 chapters we make a difference locally and globally through a philosophy of peace and service. We offer a feeling of belonging while we work to improve our communities.

Upcoming events

Recent news

  • Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year

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American Druze Society is a 501(c) non-profit organization. 

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1 (855) 55 DRUZE
1 (855) 553-7893



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