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The American Druze Society National Membership Committee is continuing to promote its Membership Campaign in collaboration with all the ADS Chapters.

Please click on ONLINE MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION to join/renew your dues. Or click on MEMBERSHIP FORM to download the member application to complete and mail in with your dues.

Elections are approaching at both Chapter and National levels and members need to renew memberships by or before March 31to be able to vote and run for office.

Membership dues cover the calendar year (from Jan 1 to Dec 31).

We have the tough duty to recruit and retain members of their communities and some may ask: "Why do I need to join the ADS?"

WHY NOT? is the first answer to that important question. And, of course, the Membership Committee is here to explain better what privileges come with this membership. Please share the following with every member of your community.



For those who are seeking spiritual support and faith: The Committee on Religious Affairs (CORA) completed a Tawhid Curriculum for children 7 - 17 years old and has launched the online series. Plus, enlightening Lectures and Tawhid Seminars are being held at all 4 annual conventions/gatherings as well as at the Nature and Faith Campouts for teens and young adults being held twice a year. For more information, contact

For those seeking endless fun and fellowship: We have major annual events: The National Convention in July, the Thanksgiving Convention in November plus two (2) Regional Gatherings held in different regional areas. Plus, we schedule weekend Spiritual Retreats twice per year.

For those seeking a career: The Career Guidance and Professional Networking Workshop is held each year at the National Summer Convention. An annual Professional Networking Mixer rotates between the east and west coast. In addition, ADYA Career Center posts career opportunities online on the Digital Commitee.

For Young Adults who want to serve and get involved: The ADYA (American Druze Young Adults), geared for those 18-35 years old, is very active and welcomes new members.

For Teens and Young Sisters who seek fellowship: The ADT (American Druze Teens for 13–17-year-olds) and YADS (Young American Druze Sisterhood for girls 12-25) are busy with activities.

For those seeking a higher education and in need for tuition assistance: The National Scholarship Committee is providing scholarships to their student members.

For those who have funds they want to put to good use: The ADS has registered charities for your generous donations.

For someone who wants a local place where their children can play with other Druze children: The ADS has four Druze Centers/Homes and National is currently assisting other chapters on purchasing their own homes where their events and gatherings can take place.

For those seeking the knowledge of our history and heritage: We offer the Culture and Heritage Discussion Series at the National Conventions and Regional Gatherings.

For those who want to be in the know: The National Publishing Committee is hard at work and has issued several rich Our Heritage magazines both online and in print.

We trust you will find one or more of the above a reason to become or to stay a member of the ADS. It is the best venue to keep yourself and your family connected to your heritage and faith. And we thank you for your membership!

To learn more, contact us at the National Office at Please join or renew your membership today!

Yours in the Faith,

ADS National Membership Committee


American Druze Society is a 501(c) non-profit organization. P.O. Box 261, Weymouth, MA, 02190

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